Watermelon & Mint Cooler

Watermelon & Mint Cooler

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I’ll keep this one short and sweet and just tell you that I’ve been head over heels for this watermelon & mint cooler for a while now. It’s so refreshing and it really makes you feel hydrated, which is sometimes truly needed in the summer heat. I just paired the watermelon with some mint and ice, and that’s it really. So simple, and so good.

Watermelon & Mint Cooler

Besides using mint in this cooler, I’ve been adding it to basically everywhere lately. In addition to sweet things, it goes especially well with quinoa, feta cheese and fresh peas. Yum.

Enjoy your coolers, all things with fresh mint, and the summer heat! xo

Watermelon & Mint Cooler

for one

a big piece of watermelon
a handful of mint leaves
a few ice cubes

Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy straight away!



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  1. Love making these in the summertime. So refreshing!

    xx Gabriella

  2. I love love love the combination of watermelon and mint. So cooling and refreshing :)

  3. That’s a beautiful drink. I love making a salad with water melon and mint. I’d also like to thank you for the book. I’m going to make something out of it soon. x

    • Thank you Nina! And I’m happy to hear you got the book, hope you’ll enjoy the ice creams! <3